Sunday, May 8, 2011

Back to Blogging

It is possible that I will be back. Possible, possibly even probable.

Taking a look at the challenges: hm, will have to rethink some of these and adapt, most likely. The way food prices have risen, I doubt very very much that I could possibly feed all 8 of us on eight dollars a day. But I might be able to do it on sixteen dollars. It isn't worth getting all perfectionistic on things and then throwing in the towel, so that nothing gets done, is it?

Today is Mothers Day. I slept in, then I read most of a book called Made From Scratch , which is a sort-of memoir, sort-of how-to. I am enjoying it and finding it motivating, even though I find that her fairly simple ways of providing for one person, would be fairly overwhelming when stretched to provide for eight people, while also taking care of the daily needs of those same eight people. But again...I do not need to be perfectionistic, I do not need to say "it is impossible" when some of it may be possible, that something may be learned, grown, established, improved, or even -gasp- perfected :-)

After my sleeping-in and reading, I went to the dining room for brunch made by my children -- a healthy baked oatmeal not too much like the sweet, buttery version I normally make; fresh strawberries and cool whip. Coffee. Mmm, coffee. Decaf. Trying to get off my recently-aquired caffeine addiction. Must remember to sleep. :-)

Since then, I have spent the afternoon catching up on many, many, many blogs I haven't looked at for aaaaaaages (still 3817 posts to go, but I don't think I will make it through them all!) and enjoying my new tablecloth, one I really really wanted! and watching the hatching of zillions of baby praying-mantises in my Japanese maple; and rescuing some passionflower seeds from my hubby who had planted them in the vegetable garden; and admiring the two-dozen paper flowers my six-year-old made for me; and drinking a whole pot of tea from my little yellow teapot in my china teacup, even with REAL milk, because today, I will risk the tummy-ache. It is Mothers Day, a special day.

We are about to make up some Easy-Bake mixes for an oven my sister and I found in a yard sale in Holmes County recently (ever yard-saled with Amish? Fun!) and bake with the littles. They are getting a little naggy, so I will have to run...but before I go, I will promise to come back with some recent thoughts and something of a bloggy resurrection post. I will try not to ramble like I have here. Happy Mothers Day, mommies!

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