Sunday, July 25, 2010

Myself Challenge #1 Deb

Looking After My Health

I have been having some trouble with depression and panic attacks in the past few months, which are really getting the better of me at times. They are making it hard to function properly, be a good parent and homemaker (snort), or really stick to anything long-term (being something in which I already have skill deficit). When depressed the tendency is not to look after myself, which generally takes the form of not eating well, not drinking enough water, not attempting to get enough sleep, and not consistently taking my regular medications and supplements. This in turn makes me feel like crap, and therefore deepens my depression and keeps the cycle rolling on.

This challenge is a simple commitment to the following:

1.) Taking my medications and supplements, no excuses
2.) Drinking lots of water
3.) Not eating stuff that makes me feel unwell(which means, because my body is adjusted to being vegan; eggs, milk products, milk chocolate, sneaky little things that I eat on the sly, animal products that are included in other foods I may consume)
4.) Walking a little, or gardening a lot, every day.

Does anyone else care to join me in this challenge?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'll join you! This includes, for me, taking a day or two off school when I need to get over illnesses...I have tended to go on and on without a proper rest, and now I'm paying the price by having problems with asthma because my lungs have not properly cleared after 2 bouts of flu! I'm not going to go totally vegan, but need to cut way down on sugar and fats and (like you) drink more water. I need that daily walk or some hefty housework/gardening as well--as soon as the asthma is better. Exertion makes it worse. Thanks for sharing, Deb!
