Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ongoing Challenge #1 Deb

Start Babystepping Again

I have had a love/hate relationship with Flylady since I learned of her, 3 kids ago. Initially the system worked for me pretty well, until I had the usual Deb-style loss of plot, and naturally since I "failed" at Flylady, I wasn't about to get up and try again since I'd be pretty likely to fail once more. I don't like failing. :( It sets me up to think all kinds of horrible things about myself and wallow in self pity/self loathing.

(Am I mentally healthy? I don't think so.)

I'm at the point right now where my options seem to be either A.) get some kind of routine happening that works B.) lose my mind completely. Flylady is my answer (this time -- because I have been here before, of course). She is a nice lady. I need that...I'm hoping her kind words can help me overcome the mean words I keep saying to myself. :(

So anyway, today was day one..."Shine Your Sink" day. And I did shine my sink. Mission accomplished, good job, pat on the back, etc. :P Tomorrow I "Get Dressed To Lace Up Shoes", which is something I have certainly not been doing lately. Most of the time I hang out in my ugly sleep clothes with no bra on. This doesn't do me any good at all.

That is about all I'm going to say for now, because if I get too far ahead right now I will crash.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to go shine my sink too, in consolidation (is that the right word?) with you. I will post later with some shtuff that will probably resound with you.

    If nothing else, least we will die in the pit with shiny sinks.
